Vagas atuais.
Promovemos a igualdade de oportunidades e não temos em conta etnias, idade, género ou outras características individuais. Não precisas de apresentar uma fotografia com a tua candidatura se não o desejares. Os nossos valores e ética são globais, consistentes e duradouros. É assim que fazemos negócios: sempre com integridade e confiança.
Sobre a VORTAL
A VORTAL é a empresa-líder de soluções de e-Sourcing e e-Procurement que conecta milhares de compradores públicos e privados com uma comunidade internacional de fornecedores qualificados em todo o mundo.
Ajudamos os compradores a aumentar as suas poupanças e eficiência, e ajudamos fornecedores a conquistar novos clientes, e novas oportunidades de negócios, tornando-se mais competitivos pela utilização dos nossos serviços de inteligência de mercado e benchmarking.
Descrição de funções
Procuramos um entusiasta de vendas, para integrar a equipa de Vendas a novos – mercado Português, integrada na equipa de Business Network, que seja responsável por assegurar e aumentar as novas vendas de serviços e produtos VORTAL a novos clientes e para tal, tem de ter uma grande sede de vender!
As grandes responsabilidades de um Vendedor são:
Garantir receitas de novos negócios aumentando a carteira de clientes Fornecedores VORTAL.
Analisar o mercado, gerar leads e adequar o discurso a táticas e tendências de vendas os clientes.
Organizar e gerir os fluxos de trabalho da atividade comercial e documentação correspondente.
Obter feedback dos clientes para identificar e implementar os ajustes necessários à estratégia de marketing e vendas e descobrir melhorias de produtos.
Implementar iniciativas de criação e animação de mercado, atrair potenciais clientes e recomendar potenciais produtos ou serviços atuando como gerador de leads.
Experiência e conhecimento
Experiência prévia em vendas por chamada e em CRM (Salesforce, Pipedrive, Dynamics 365…) (obrigatório);
Nível de Português fluente (obrigatório);
Experiência com produto B2B (obrigatório) e/ou SaaS (preferencial);
Licenciatura (preferencial);
Capacidade para trabalhar em equipa;
Orientação para o cliente e para objectivos.
O que oferecemos?
Pacote salarial competitivo à 1100€ brutos/mês + comissões mensais mediante alcance de objetivos;
Contrato sem termo com período experimental de 6 meses;
Possibilidade de part-time/horário reduzido;
Subsídio de alimentação;
Seguro de Saúde e acesso a um Employee Assistance Program.
Candidata-te através deste formulário https://forms.office.com/r/tddehbC51e e envia o teu currículo para o email vendedorb2b@vortal.biz.
About Vortal
VORTAL is a leading e-Sourcing and e-Procurement solutions provider connecting thousands of public and private buyers with an international community of qualified suppliers worldwide.
VORTAL has offices in Lisbon, Madrid, Vigo and Milan.
We help our clients in their digital transformation journey with our modular solutions and our extensive range of services. We help buyers achieving savings and more efficiency, digitalizing their processes and having better visibility over their spending, reducing risks and increasing transparency.
We help suppliers getting new customers, accessing new business leads and becoming more competitive through market intelligence services and benchmarking.
Integrate VORTAL Finance Unit, being responsible mainly for:
Summarize current financial status by collecting information; preparing and analysing balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and other reports.
Perform month close operations and financial statements for group reporting purposes;
Provide support on year-end procedures, including preparation of financial statements.
Support in posting and processing journal entries to ensure all business transactions are recorded;
Perform Accounting analysis, provide advice and solve accounting and technical issues;
Updating accounts receivable;
Updating accounts payable and perform reconciliations;
Support recording and categorize expenses;
Support in Bank reconciliations;
Bachelor / Master in Accounting;
Skills & Knowledge
Fluency in Portuguese and English (written and spoken) mandatory;
Knowledge of IFRS (nice to have);
Strong Critical spirit, with an analytical perspective;
Computer tools (such as Excel) domain and interest;
Autonomy, proactivity and ambition;
Ability to work with a team and by objectives;
Experience working with Microsoft Navision (nice to have);
Minimum 2 years of work experience in the area;
Why join Vortal?
Join an international and fast-growing business: we are present in 12 countries with an international team from +10 different nationalities with English as the official language;
Competitive salary package: salary, fringe benefits, working benefits and variable bonus according to results;
Flexible schedules with a hybrid work policy;
Customer oriented company, where reward and fast progression comes with the results you achieve;
The coolest corporate events: Algarve, Lisbon, Madrid, Merida and more to come!
Health insurance and several partnerships and discounts for all sorts of businesses (gyms, language schools, restaurants).
Some fun data about us (December 2021):
Seniority average: 4,5 years;
Average age: 33 years old;
Yearly percentage of promoted people: 25% (last 3 years);
“People Get People” referral program: we trust that our employees know our company well and know what’s best for all of us! If you know someone who works at VORTAL talk to them and you may both win; you a great job, and them a great thank you and a reward!
About Vortal
VORTAL is a leading e-Sourcing and e-Procurement solutions provider connecting thousands of public and private buyers with an international community of qualified suppliers worldwide.
VORTAL has offices in Lisbon, Madrid and Vigo.
We help our clients in their digital transformation journey with our modular solutions and our extensive range of services. We help buyers achieving savings and more efficiency, digitalizing their processes and having better visibility over their spending, reducing risks and increasing transparency.
We help suppliers getting new customers, accessing new business leads and becoming more competitive through market intelligence services and benchmarking.
Job Description
VORTAL works permanently to improve and diversify its offer. As such it has been certified to the highest international standards in terms of safety, service and quality. As Vortal faces technological and product challenges, and at the same time continues to grow, our management systems and certifications have a crucial role in rick prevention and mitigation, and in change management processes, applying the right controls and processes in the right timings.
Therefore, we are looking for a Quality and Information Security intern, to support the internal audits, the CAPA definition and follow up, the complaints and security incidents treatment for the mitigation of all risks and impacts to the company with the focus on effectiveness, simplicity and rigor, and for supporting the team in the maintenance of the management system certifications (ISO 27001, 27017, 27018, 22301, 20000-1 and 9001).
In this role you will build a solid relationship with our internal clients, with growing levels of autonomy and responsibility and gaining comfort in the usage of VORTAL’s technological suite and management systems.
Support the complaints and requests treatment, ensuring adequate response to clients and within the defined deadlines.
Treat information security incidents or nonconformities within the Vortal Management Systems.
Support the teams in the definition of corrective and preventive actions.
Support the internal audits, according to the certified management systems.
Bachelor in information management systems, quality engineering, Process Engineering or similar;
Knowledge in ISO 9001 and 27001 standards, will be valued.
Skills & Knowledge
English & Spanish (written and spoken), will be valued,
Proactive attitude and creative thinking;
Ability to work with a team and by objectives;
Simplicity and business and customer focus;
Autonomy, proactivity and ambition;
Strong analytical spirit;
Why join Vortal?
Join an international and fast-growing business: we are present in 12 countries with an international team from +10 different nationalities with English as the official language;
Competitive salary package: salary, fringe benefits, working benefits and variable bonus according to results;
Flexible schedules with a hybrid work policy;
Customer oriented company, where reward and fast progression comes with the results you achieve;
The coolest corporate events: Algarve, Lisbon, Madrid, Merida and more to come!
Health insurance and several partnerships and discounts for all sorts of businesses (gyms, language schools, restaurants).
Some fun data about us (December 2021):
Seniority average: 4,5 years;
Average age: 33 years old;
Yearly percentage of promoted people: 25% (last 3 years);
“People Get People” referral program: we trust that our employees know our company well and know what’s best for all of us! If you know someone who works at VORTAL talk to them and you may both win; you a great job, and them a great thank you and a reward!
Sobre Armilar
A Armilar é a plataforma de inteligência de mercado do Grupo Vortal, na qual fornecemos informações essenciais para impulsionar a competitividade e eficácia comercial de empresas fornecedoras que trabalham com o setor público. Auxiliamos essas empresas a compreenderem profundamente o seu mercado e concorrência, permitindo que tomem decisões mais informadas.
Responsabilidades Principais
Prospeção, geração e qualificação de leads: Contactar as leads gerados por campanhas de marketing, identificar potenciais clientes através de “cold calling” e pesquisa de mercado com o intuito de construir um pipeline robusto de potenciais clientes.
Análise de Necessidades: Realizar avaliações abrangentes com potenciais clientes para compreender os desafios, analisar pontos problemáticos e desenvolver uma compreensão profunda do seu mercado, proporcionando soluções personalizadas.
Venda Consultiva: Adotar uma estratégia de venda consultiva para posicionar serviços como soluções personalizadas, educando os clientes sobre a proposta de valor e os benefícios de nossos serviços.
Desenvolvimento de Propostas: Elaborar e apresentar propostas alinhadas às necessidades e objetivos do cliente.
Negociação e Fecho: Gerir objeções de forma proativa durante as negociações, negociar eficazmente termos e preços para alcançar acordos mutuamente benéficos, fechar negócios, atingir metas de vendas.
Experiência e conhecimento
Experiência prévia em vendas por chamada ou presencial com foco em vendas consultivas e trabalhar com CRM (Salesforce, Pipedrive, Dynamics 365…) (obrigatório);
Nível de Português fluente (obrigatório);
Experiência com produto B2B (obrigatório) e/ou SaaS (preferencial);
Licenciatura (preferencial);
Orientado a resultados, com foco em superar metas de vendas.
Capacidade para trabalhar em equipa;
“People Get People”
Programa de referências.
Uma das melhores formas de encontrarmos bons colaboradores é através dos nossos atuais colegas e das suas referências. Sabemos que os nossos colaboradores conhecem bem a empresa e sabem o que será melhor para todos. Se conheces alguém que trabalha na VORTAL, entra em contacto com eles e ambos podem ganhar; tu, um trabalho; eles, um grande obrigado e uma recompensa!
Índice Excelência 2017 (4.º lugar – médias empresas)
Melhores Empresas para Trabalhar, 2019, Ranking Exame Informática

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